jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

Namie Amuro - ONLY YOU

Parece linda, no...?

Subir nueva musica a MF seria tonto, pues obviamente la borraran, y tambien mi cuenta, el archivo esta tal cual como la baje...

EDIT - 02-06-12   como debio ser...

Por Torrent     http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=319731
en  Uploaded.to   http://uploaded.to/file/gecr239b
o en Depot         http://depositfiles.com/files/syxsk5sn6?redirect

1 comentario:

  1. Thank you so much for this PV! I was looking all around the web for a smaller version of this video (not full hd - 1440×1080 - 220 MB) that wouldn't be messed up with a jagged frame rate (as it happens with a 1280x720 MTV HD, 125 MB file out there). This is the ONLY 1280x720 version of "Only You" that flows perfectly, softly, with synchronized audio and all. Thank you.
